Talent Development Scheme (Series 3): Workplace-ready Image & Personal Colour Workshop
29 Sep, 2023

The third series of Talent Development Scheme (TDS): “Workplace-ready Image & Personal Colour Workshop” was held on 28 September 2023 at the Inspiring. Over twenty-five students participated in the workshop.

We delighted to invite Ms Tiff Chan, founder of THEO The Style to host the workshop. Tiff is a certified colour consultant. She shared her expertise with students on the concept of personal colour and how to select suitable colour to reflect one’s personality. Apart from theory learning, Tiff interacted with students through PCA demonstration and group activity on identifying the right dress code based on various occasions.

Students were inspired by the speakers’ profound experience on colour consulting and styling which should be useful for enhancing their future career and day-to-day life.

PCA Demonstration

Group activity on different styling